Lozada JL, Goodacre C, Al-ardah AJ, Garbadea A. Lateral and crestal bone planing antrostomy: a simplified surgical procedure to reduce the incidence of membrane perforation during maxillary sinus augmentation procedures. J Prosthet Dent. 2011;105:147–153.

This clinical report of 2 patients presents a variation to conventional surgical techniques for opening the maxillary sinus antrum via lateral and crestal approaches. This procedure, described as a lateral/crestal bone planing antrostomy (LBPA, CBPA) involves the use of specially designed rotary instruments that plane away the bone in thin layers. This technique has the potential to reduce the perforation rate of the maxillary sinus membrane during the access process. The authors provide a good review of conventional lateral wall and crestal access techniques and discussion concerning the most common surgical complication of sinus membrane perforation. Two clinical case reports (one LBPA and one CBPA) with detailed stepwise procedural details are presented using bone planing. Excellent color photographs enhance the reader's ability to understand the surgical process.

These case reports provide an interesting alternative to existing techniques, however controlled clinical studies with randomized designs are needed before a definitive conclusion can be drawn concerning wide spread acceptance of the technique.

James L. Rutkowski

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Oral Implantology

Chairman, Clarion Research Group

Fellow AAID

Diplomat ABOI/ID

Silverstein LH, Kurtzman D, Shatz PC. Principles of Hard Tissue Regeneration and Implant Therapy: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide. Newton, Pa: Aegis Communications.

This textbook is a comprehensive step-by-step manual available to teach surgical hard tissue regeneration for implant dentistry including: socket grafting, ridge augmentation, and maxillary subantral augmentation using either a Caldwel-Luc or crestal approach. The authors describe each procedure in detail with 7 layered animation type visual technology illustrations. One such procedure illustrated describes how to split a posterior ridge for facial expansion and an anterior ridge labially. Instructions are provided on “how-to-do” mono cortical ridge grafting with either the ramus or symphysis as the donor site. Multiple grafting techniques are covered.

Readers are shown all steps for each procedure, from administering local anesthetic, to the specific surgical blades, blade angles, sites, and parameters of where the incisions should be made. All surgical procedural steps are explained in detail with corresponding illustrations. Each procedure details the description of suturing; which needles, threads, surgical knots, and specific techniques to use. Specific postoperative instruction sheets are provided that can be copied and given to the patient.

The text was refereed and has received CERP accreditation. After successful completion of the test located at the back of the book and proper submission of the CE form, the clinician will receive three hours of Continuing Education credit.

This textbook provides a thorough step-by-step outline for multiple hard tissue regeneration procedures as they apply to implant dentistry and should be a well-used reference by all clinicians. This is a must-have text for the Implant Dentist's library.

James L. Rutkowski

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Oral Implantology

Chairman, Clarion Research Group

Fellow AAID

Diplomat ABOI/ID