Sendax VI, ed. Mini Dental Implants Principles and Practice. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby; 2013.
Dr Victor I. Sendax's text provides a comprehensive examination of the mini dental implant (MDI) from conception to current use in implantology. The reader will find detailed case reports supported by radiographs and excellent photographs to document the uses of 1.8 mm diameter MDIs. The list of contributors includes Burton Balkin, John Brunski, Jack E. Lemons, and several other leaders in the discipline of Implant Dentistry.
One of the most beneficial chapters is Chapter 2, entitled, “The Basic Insertion and Reconstructive Protocol Guidelines”. This chapter provides a step-by-step outline pertaining to the clinical and laboratory procedures for the successful stabilization of mandibular dentures utilizing MDIs. The chapter on “Biomedical-Engineering Analyses of MDIs” provides histological and force analyses as evidence-based support regarding the use of this implant modality. The text dedicates five chapters to describing the role, and illustrating multiple MDI cases as they relate to the General Practitioner, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, Orthodontist, and Laboratory Technician. The chapter “MDI Solutions for the Medically Compromised Patient” explains the benefits of using this implant modality for this population of patients. Treatment considerations for diabetic patients are emphasized. Chapter 12 provides a Question and Answer forum that addresses relevant questions clinicians and patients may have. The Appendix offers “Mini Views” on a variety of MDI discussion points: connecting natural teeth to MDIs, critical evaluation of various “small-diameter” implant systems, pros and cons of hydoxyapatite coating of implants, how MDI's can improve patient access to Implant Dentistry, and standard of care issues as they apply to MDIs.
This well-written text offers insight for the successful use of MDIs in various clinical scenarios. I recommend this text for all Implant Dentists because it will enlighten and provide a step-by-step approach for understanding and placing small-diameter implants.