Controversial Issues in Implant Dentistry. Hernández Alfaro F. Hanover Park, Ill: Quintessence Publishing, 2013.

This European-written text is unusual in that it addresses multiple controversial topics that clinicians must be aware of when attempting to make prudent decisions in the clinical practice of Implant Dentistry. The text utilizes a comprehensive approach that combines existing scientific proof with the authors' clinical experiences to shed light on controversial issues.

The table of contents includes several topics that Implantologists enjoy debating. Topics include: “What is the best implant design and surface?”; “Short implants—short life?”; “Immediate implants: are they safe?”; “Biomaterials: which to use and when?”; “Atrophic maxilla: to use what is available or reconstruct?”; “Is there a way to successfully manage the posterior atrophic mandible?”; and others that will be of interest to the clinician. Each topic has clinical relevancy and is discussed and supported, when possible, with current evidence-based information. When evidence-based support is not available, the authors utilize scientifically supported logic and clinical experience that affords clarity. Each topic and concept is supported with excellent images and illustrations.

The Editor, Professor Hernández Alfaro, shares his knowledge as a successful academic Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the International University of Catalonia, as well as his vast clinical experiences in creating this well-written text. The text is timely and can be read as an entire work, or as an interest- or topic-driven update/review. This book would be a good read for those preparing for board specialty or certification exams that address implant dentistry.

Controversial Issues in Implant Dentistry is a text that clarifies many provocative questions facing implant dentistry. All Implant Dentists and educators should consider having this text readily available to assist in making daily clinical decisions.