Author Information
The efforts expended in the Journal of Oral Implantology are directed toward bringing information of interest to scientists, clinicians, laboratory owners and technicians, manufacturers, and educators. This information should include, but need not be limited to, scientific articles, original research, opinions and letters, new product information, brief technical communications, book and article reviews, and abstracts. None of these necessarily represent the opinions or views of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, the Editors or members of the Board, nor the Institution with which the author(s) are affiliated. Articles are welcomed from all clinicians and scientists. This journal does not necessarily offer approval of products which are advertised within it. All manuscripts will be submitted for peer-review to the Editor, who will assign it to a selected member of the Editorial Review Board, and independent outside review.
Submission Guidelines Submit a Manuscript
Membership in the American Academy of Implant Dentistry is not a prerequisite for submission.
Submitted articles should be for the exclusive publication in the JOI, with the understanding they have not been published elsewhere in any form and will not be submitted elsewhere unless rejected by the JOI. Authors are responsible for all statements made in the article and the veracity of the references cited.
Publications Charges
Page charges - Payment of $100/printed page will be required for AAID members and non-members for published articles longer than six pages.
Open access - The cost to make articles open access is $1,500.00. Authors who opt for open access do not pay regular page charges. Journal articles are published at
Color charges - There are no color charges for authors.
Correction charges - There are no correction charges for authors.
PDF proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, who should send corrections as soon as the PDF is received. These corrections should be returned to the Managing Editor, Beverly Lindeen. Authors may incur additional costs for changes made during the proofs stage. Consult the journal's submission guidelines or contact the Managing Editor for details.