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Author Instructions

Regular submissions

Except for Special Issue articles and book reviews, all manuscripts must be submitted via the JOLLAS-Scholar One portal at All submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed. If you have any queries regarding this process, email [email protected].

Regular submissions include: Original research articles, Theoretical and Conceptual Articles, Policy briefs, and Teaching notes.

Invitation-only submissions

Special Issues: Initially, the lead author (Issue Editor) should email a proposal for their special issue to the JOLLAS Editorial office, which includes the table contents and abstracts for each article in the Special Issue. If the JOLLAS Editorial Team subsequently accepts the proposal, the authors will be asked to submit their articles via the JOLLAS Scholar One portal. JOLLAS will handle the peer review process after submission. (See: Guidelines to Special Issue Proposals)

Book and Media Reviews: JOLLAS does not accept unsolicited book or media review submissions. If you are interested in writing a book or media review, please contact the JOLLAS Editorial Office ([email protected]). For books and media reviews, we follow HNET’s Format & Style Sheet for Reviews.

Except for book and media reviews, all manuscripts must adhere to the style guidelines below.

Pre-submission checklist

  • Blinded manuscript: Manuscripts need to be fully blinded, meaning that the reviewers will not be able to discern the identity of the author(s). If references to specific publications could reveal the author’s identity, these should also be shielded, replacing the in-text reference with “authors names withheld” and omitting the citation from the references.
  • Abstract and keywords: Authors should include an abstract (not exceeding 200 words) and six keywords that indicate the article's themes in their articles.
  • Word count limit: Submitted articles must adhere to the word count set by type of manuscript:
    • Original research articles/ Special Issue Articles (8,000- 10,000 words)
    • Theoretical and Conceptual Articles (6,000- 8,000 words)
    • Policy briefs/Teaching Notes (3,000 – 4,000 words)
    • Book & Media Reviews (1,000 -1,500 words)
  • Margins: Margins should have one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Line spacing: Text should be double-spaced (including the abstracts, references, and archive notes).
  • Font: Text, tables, and illustrations should be submitted in 12pt Times New Roman font.
  • Paragraphs: Authors should indent each new paragraph, except those immediately following a heading. Do not leave blank lines
  • between paragraphs.
  • Heading Structure: A maximum of two levels should be used:
    • First-level headings are capitalized, in bold, and left justified.
    • Second-level headings are italicized and left justified.
  • Quotations: Place quotations over eighty words in an indented paragraph separate from the main text. Use double quotation marks for quotations except for quotes within quotes, in which case single quotation marks are used.

Style Considerations:

JOLLAS follows the overall guidelines in the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition. Some that you may find helpful include:

Dates and Numbers

  • Numbers one to one hundred should be spelled out; numbers over one hundred should be in figures.
  • Numbers that express decimal quantities and dollar amounts are written as figures.
  • Dates should be in the form of March 26, 2024; March 2024. Centuries are spelled out: e.g., twenty-first century.
  • Use “%” for percentages. Note there is no space between the number and the symbol.

Use of Other Languages in English Text

  • Italics are used for isolated words and phrases in languages other than English. Proper nouns should not be italicized.
  • When the title of a work in another language is mentioned in an English manuscript, an English translation may follow in parentheses.
  • When institutional names in an English-language manuscript are mentioned first, use the English translation in the text and provide the other-language original name and acronyms in parentheses, e.g., The Peruvian National Office of Statistics and Informatics (Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, INEI in Spanish acronyms). You can then use the non-English language acronyms in the subsequent mentions.

Capitalization in English versus Other Languages

  • In English titles, use headline-style capitalization. That is, capitalize the first and last word and all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and some conjunctions. Use lowercase for all articles, prepositions, and conjunctions such as and, but, for, or, and nor.
  • For titles in other languages, use sentence-style capitalization. That is, capitalize the first word in a title, the first word in a subtitle, and any proper names.

References and Citations

For detailed guidelines, please refer to the Author-Date Reference in Chapter 15 of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.

In-text citations

Each textual reference should correspond to a complete reference in the reference list. In-text citations include the author’s last name (with first initial if ambiguous), year of publication, and pages referred to. For works by more than three authors, only the surname of the first author is used, followed by “et al.” “Cf.” is used when a comparison of sources is intended. Op. cit., loc. cit., ibid., infra, supra, and the like are not used.

If the author is already mentioned in the main text, then the year should follow the name within parentheses. E.g. Both Jones (2013) and Brown (2010) claim …

If the author’s name is not mentioned in the main text, then the surname and year should be inserted in parentheses after the relevant text. Multiple citations by different authors should be separated by semicolon. E.g. The statistics clearly show this to be untrue (Brown 2010; Jones 2013).

If specific pages are being cited then the page number should follow the year, after a comma. E.g. (Brown 2004, 65; Jones 2013, 143)

Reference lists

Entries in the reference list are arranged alphabetically by author, then chronologically from earliest to most recent. List all authors using their full names (not initials). List the first three works with more than ten authors, followed by et al.

If multiple works by the same author are being listed, please repeat the author’s name for each entry rather than using a long dash. Arrange multiple works by the same author in the same year alphabetically by title and distinguish them by a, b, c, etc. placed after the year.

For online sources, an access date is required only if no publication date is provided.
Citations of unpublished sources, such as interviews by the author, legal documents, and archival sources or manuscript collections, are usually placed in footnotes.
See below for examples of formatted references.


Kirkendall, Andrew J. 2022. Hemispheric Alliances: Liberal Democrats and Cold War Latin America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Poblete, Juan. 2021. Nuevos acercamientos a los estudios latinoamericanos: cultura y poder. Buenos Aires: CLACSO.

Chapter in a collection

Rumbaut, Rubén G. 2009. “Pigments of Our Imagination: On the Racialization and Racial Identities of ‘Hispanics’ and ‘Latinos.’” In How the U.S. Racializes Latinos: White Hegemony and Its Consequences, edited by José Cobas, Jorge Duany, and Joe R. Feagin, 15–36. Paradigm Publishers.

Eguren, Joaquín, and Cecilia Estrada. 2018. “Análisis comparativo y transversal de la migración venezolana en Iberoamérica.” In El éxodo venezolano : entre el exilio y la emigración, edited by José Koechlin and Joaquín Eguren, 367–69. Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya.

Journal articles

Zéphirin, Romanovski. 2019. “The Americas’ Multi‐Polar Displacements as A New Pattern in Haitian‐French Guyanese Migrations.” International Migration 57 (1): 58–74.

Ruiz-Tagle, Javier, and Ernesto López M. 2014. “El estudio de la segregación residencial en Santiago de Chile: revisión crítica de algunos problemas metodológicos y conceptuales.” EURE (Santiago) 40 (119): 25–48.

NOTE: Please include DOIs for all journal articles where possible.

Newspaper articles

Cárdenas, Rodrigo, and Carlos Alonso. 2021. “Casen: Venezolanos En Chile Son Casi Medio Millón de Personas y El 41% de Todos Los Inmigrantes.” La Tercera, July 17, 2021, sec. Pulso.

Organizational publications

IOM. 2019. World Migration Report 2020. Geneva: International Organization for Migration.

Conference papers and working papers

Rodriguez Gauna, Cecilia. 2024. " Ethical and Operational Implications of the Census Questions on Sexual Orientation and Fender Identity, Based on the Experience of the 2022 Argentine Census." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Columbus, OH, April 18.

Fernandez Caldas, Maria. 2023. "Urban Planning and Land Capture: Case Study of Belo Horizonte, Brazil." Working Paper No. WP23MC1, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA.

Theses and dissertations

Ferrada, Juan Sebastian. 2018. “Latinx Temporalities: The Queer Time of Spanglish, Family, and Latinx Futurity in Santa Ana, California, 2014-2017.” PhD dissertation, UC Santa Barbara.

Web pages

For website content, include as many of the following as can be determined: the title or description of the page, the author of the content (if any), the owner or sponsor of the site, and a URL. Also include a publication date or date of revision or modification; if no such date can be determined, include an access date. Website content may be cited in notes rather than reference lists.

Tables and Figures

Tables: Each table should be placed on a separate page at the end of the article text, and its approximate position in the text should be marked. They should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (Table 3, etc.). Titles should be as concise and informative as possible and use Times New Roman font, 12 pt.

Figures: Each figure, including graphs, illustrations, and maps, should be placed on a separate page at the end of the article text, and its approximate position in the text should be marked. They should be drawn without boundary boxes. All maps should include a key, compass point, and scale where relevant. JOLLAS accepts color figures and will require authors to submit image files separately (PNG, TIF, or EPS) with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. Labels in graphs should be in Times New Roman font. All figures should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.

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