Only formal taxonomic terms for amphibians and non-avian reptiles are included. Phrases that incorporate formal names (e.g. Tantilla taeniata species group) are indexed, but English words derived from formal names (e.g. boid snakes) are not. Names enclosed within quotation marks are not included. For each article, all sections except the Literature Cited are indexed. Numbers after a name are page numbers in this volume. Numbers followed by a “T” or “F” indicate a name that appears in a Table or Figure; readers should note that a sought name might also appear in the text of a page flagged with T or F. New taxa are indicated in boldface type.

Acris 145, 148

crepitans 476

cf. Acris 143, 145F, 147

Actinemys marmorata 437, 438F

Adenomera 7T

andreae 4T


contortrix 118, 119T, 120, 383T

piscivorus 120, 571

Albertochampsa langstoni 567F

Alligator 299, 560, 561F, 562T, 563-566, 567F, 569

mcgrewi 561-563, 565,...

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