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Author Fees

Page Charges:

The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles is supported through membership dues and subscriptions. The SSAR asks that authors pay $100 per printed page to defer the costs of publication. If at least one author is a member in good standing of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, page charges are not levied. However, if funding allows, members are encouraged to assist in the production of the Journal by contributing to page charges. However, publication of an accepted manuscript is not contingent on ability to pay. If there are unusual circumstances for which you would like to request a payment waiver, authors should contact Christy Classi at [email protected] when proofs are sent to the authors.

Open Access:

Open Access allows all readers to freely access publications online, regardless of membership or subscription status. Authors wishing to designate their papers Open Access may pay the one-time $150 fee per article. No waivers for open access are allowed.

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