The business meeting was called to order by President David S. Lindsay at 1543 hr on Sunday, 28 June 2015, in the Blackstone Ballroom B room of the Hilton Omaha Hotel. After noting a quorum was present, President Lindsay made his opening remarks and recognized the new Officers and Nominating Committee members for 2015–2016. He then thanked the outgoing Officers and Nominating Committee for their service to the Society. See Council meeting minutes for lists of these individuals. President Lindsay also thanked the sponsors who donated funds for the meeting; see the Council meeting minutes for the list of sponsors.

Patrick Hanington introduced Dr. Eric S. Loker, University of New Mexico, as the 2015 recipient of the Clark P. Read Mentor Award. Dr. Loker accepted the award and delivered his acceptance speech entitled “Mentoring… some perspectives from both sides of the desk.”

Matt Bolek and Jillian Detwiler introduced Dr. John...

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