How often do we read the preface of a parasitology book and get drawn into world events of the 20th century? And how often are we asked to reflect on where current parasitological research sits in the bigger picture of life and the history of science—the “so what” of science?

In conceiving of “A Century of Parasitology,” John Janovy Jr. and Jerry Esch posed a challenge that has been aptly met in 14 contemporary perspectives on the historical developments in their areas of expertise. This volume pairs a reprinting of a seminal paper from an old (or ancient!) volume of The Journal of Parasitology with a current reflection. It provides food for thought for young researchers embarking on a career in parasitology—insights that might spark a new discovery or a new conceptualization of how host–parasite interactions work. It also showcases what was at the forefront of knowledge at times in...

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