President Gerald W. Esch called the meeting to order at 8:09 AM and noted that a quorum was present. President Esch made a few opening remarks and Council members and other attendees introduced themselves. He recognized the new officers for 2017–2018: President, Susan Perkins; President-Elect, John Hawdon; Vice-President, Julián Hillyer; Council Members-at-Large, Reg Blaylock and Janine Caira (2017–2021); Nominating Committee members, Jillian Detwiler (Chair), Rebecca Baldwin, Joanna Cielocha, Sarah Orlofske, Heather Stigge, and Isaure de Buron (alternate); and Student Representative, Caroline Keroack (2017–2018). President Esch expressed his appreciation to outgoing Council Members-at-Large Ash Bullard and Agustín Jimenez, outgoing Student Representative Kaitlin Gallagher, and outgoing Nominating Committee members Gerardo Pérez-Ponce de León (Chair), Tavis Anderson, Mike Barger, Gabriel Langford, Autumn Smith-Herron, and Gregory Sandland (Alternate).

President Esch also recognized the generous contributions to the annual meeting by Debbie Contardi from the Marriot and Renaissance Caribbean and Mexico Resorts for providing the...

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