President Susan Perkins called the meeting to order at 8:08 AM and noted that a quorum was present. President Perkins asked for members and other attendees to introduce themselves and a sign-in sheet was sent around. In attendance were Susan Perkins, President; John Hawdon, President-Elect; Julián Hillyer, Vice-President; Lee Couch, Secretary/Treasurer; Rich Clopton, Editor; and Council Members and Council Representatives Christina Anaya, Reg Blaylock, Matt Bolek, Sara Brant, Janine Caira, Charles Criscione, Jillian Detwiler, Don Duszynski, Herman Eure, Ron Hathaway, Kristin Herrmann, Kirsten Jensen, Caroline Keroack, Kevin Lafferty, Mike Moser, Max Murray, Vasyl Tkach, Kelly Weinersmith, and Allen Press representative Peter Burns. President Perkins made a few opening remarks about her accomplishments during her term (Trello, 501c3 tax status, member management, voting specifications) and stated that there was much to be discussed, so it would most likely be a long meeting. She recognized the new officers for 2018–2019: President, John...

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