Coccidiosis is a common disease of livestock, including water buffaloes. Reports discussing the prevalence and identity of coccidian parasites in water buffaloes from Egypt are few, and nothing is known concerning the most pathogenic species, Eimeria bareillyi. Fresh feces collected from 175 water buffaloes in Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt, were processed using the standard flotation technique. Eimerian oocysts were found in 49 (28%) samples, and 10 species were identified. Eimeria bareillyi oocysts were found in 10 samples (5.7%), and this was the single species in 3 diarrheic calves. Typical oocysts of Eimeria auburnensis with smooth oocyst walls were observed in 4 (2.3%) samples. Closely similar oocysts were found in a single sample (0.6%) together with those of E. auburnensis. These oocysts had a rough granulated or mammillated wall and are referred to as E. auburnensis–like oocysts. A molecular study is needed to clarify whether E. auburnensis and E. auburnensis–like oocysts are from different species. Other identified Eimeria species were: Eimeria alabamensis (0.6%), Eimeria bovis (10.8%), Eimeria canadensis (1.1%), Eimeria cylindrica (4%), Eimeria ellipsoidalis (2.3%), Eimeria subspherica (2.8%), and Eimeria zuernii (9.7%). This is the first report of E. bareillyi oocysts in water buffaloes from Egypt.