The Stoll-Stunkard Memorial Lectureship award was established to honor someone whose prominence in basic research is evident, and whose research might enhance investigations on parasites, hence fostering cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches. It is my honor and privilege to introduce the 2019 recipient of the Stoll-Stunkard Memorial Lectureship, Dr. Andre Buret. Andre is a superb parasitologist, a true leader in his field, an excellent scientist, and an outstanding academician with an entrepreneurial flare. Dr. Buret has received multiple teaching awards for his dedication and superior performance in undergraduate and graduate education. His excellence in research has likewise been repeatedly recognized, for example, by the Research Excellence Award from the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology; the Wardle Medal for distinguished contribution to Canadian Parasitology from the Parasite, Immunology and Environment section of the Canadian Society for Zoologists; and a Killam Annual Professorship from the University of Calgary. Dr. Buret was inducted into...

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