It is my privilege to introduce the 2020 Henry Baldwin Ward Medal honoree, Dr. Stephen Ashton Bullard Jr. of Auburn University. Requirements for the award are (in part), “The recipient shall be in mid-career, and who, by self-directed investigations, shall have attained a position of leadership in some phase of parasitological research.” That seems simple enough. I could stop here and invite Dr. Bullard to the (metaphorical) podium, as in my mind, he is such an obvious choice. I might just be able to get away with it. I will, I promise, share my reasons for nominating Ash for this honor. I would, however, like to do more and suggest an expanded rationale for bestowing this (and other honors) on our members. Those reasons fall into three categories: Research Excellence, Commitment, and Aspiration. Before exploring these criteria, I need to examine the question, “Who is Ash Bullard, and how did...

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