The 96th Annual Business Meeting was called to order by President Vasyl Tkach at 6:00 PM CDT (1800 hr) on Monday, 2 August 2021, via an online virtual meeting platform. President Tkach made his opening remarks, welcoming those in attendance. He recognized the new officers and Nominating Committee members for 2021–2022 and thanked the outgoing officers and Nominating Committee members for their service to the society (see the Council meeting minutes for lists of these individuals).

Lee Couch presented the secretary/treasurer's report, including membership and subscription numbers, cash-flow data, and performance of investment accounts. Secretary/Treasurer (S/T) Couch reported that membership was down slightly from last year, but her biggest concern was that the drop was mostly reflected in student memberships. She stated that it was important for members to encourage student participation, as they are the future of the Society.

It was noted that Journal income was higher than Journal...

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