The Journal of Parasitology is the official journal of the American Society of Parasitologists (ASP). The Journal is not-for-profit and dues of the membership support the cost of publication. Manuscripts in English are accepted from investigators in any country regardless of whether they are members of ASP. The Journal publishes official business of ASP and results of new, original, research dealing with helminths, protozoa, and other parasitic organisms.

The Journal publishes reports of significant contributions to the permanent scientific record, primarily in the form of Regular Articles, Short Communications, and Review Articles. Critical comments, book reviews, and in memoria are published at the discretion of the editor.

The Journaldoes publish systematic and taxonomic papers dealing with helminths, protozoa and other parasitic organisms at all levels, including single-species descriptions.

The Journaldoes not publish papers that report limited extensions of known host or locality records, except cases in which the...

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