The 97th Annual Business Meeting was called to order by President Matt Bolek at 3:10 PM CDT on Tuesday, 12 July 2022, in the Statesman Ballroom of The George Hotel. President Bolek made his opening remarks, commenting on proceedings from the Council meeting held on 9 July 2022 and making a few last-minute reminders to the members. He recognized the new Officers and Council Members-at-Large and the Nominating Committee members for 2022–2023 and thanked the outgoing Officers, Council Members, and Nominating Committee for their service to the Society (see the Council meeting booklet for lists of these individuals). Lastly, President Bolek thanked the Local Organizing Committee for a job well done in hosting our 97th annual ASP meeting.

Lee Couch presented the Secretary/Treasurer's report, including membership and subscription numbers, cash flow data, and performance of investment accounts. Secretary/Treasurer Couch reported that membership was down again this year, but stated that...

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