President Tamara Cook called the meeting to order at 0805 hr (CDT), and a silent roll was taken by the Secretary-Treasurer (ST). In attendance were Tami Cook, President; Reg Blaylock, President-elect; Sara Brant, Vice President, Matt Bolek, Immediate Past-President; Lee Couch, Secretary-Treasurer; Rich Clopton, Editor; and Council Members and/or Council Representatives Christina Anaya, Maria Castillo, Joanna Cielocha, Jillian Detwiler, Haley Dutton, Sarah Goodnight, Ben Hanelt, Judith Humphries, Agustin Jiménez, E. Sam Loker, Valerie McKenzie, Mike Moser, Susan Perkins, Ashleigh Smythe, Kelly Weinersmith, Timothy Yoshino and Allen Press representative, April Parfitt. President Cook recognized the new officers for 2023–2024: President, Reginald Blaylock; President-Elect, Sara Brant; Vice President, Anindo Choudhury; Council Members-at-Large, Janine Caira and Ashleigh Smythe (2023–2027); Nominating and Teller’s Committee members, Emily Kasl (Chair), Tyler Achatz, Leopoldina Aguirre-Macedo, Jimmy Bernot, April Blakeslee, and Ashleigh Smythe (Alternate); and Student Representative, Haley Dutton (2023–2024). President Cook expressed her appreciation to outgoing Immediate...

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