During a 2021 parasitological survey of birds in the Nyae Nyae-Khaudum Dispersal Area (Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, Namibia), we collected 9 specimens of Dendritobilharzia pulverulenta (Braun, 1901) Skrjabin, 1924 infecting the blood (heart lumen) of a white-backed duck, Thalassornis leuconotus (Eyton, 1838) (Anseriformes: Anatidae), and a fulvous whistling duck, Dendrocygna bicolor (Vieillot, 1816) (Anatidae). These flukes were fixed for morphology and preserved for DNA extraction. We assigned our specimens to DendritobilharziaSkrjabin and Zakharow, 1920 because they were strongly dorso-ventrally flattened in both sexes and had an intestinal cyclocoel with a zig-zag common cecum with lateral dendritic ramifications, numerous testes posterior to the cyclocoel and flanking the dendritic ramifications, and a tightly compacted convoluted ovary as well as lacking an oral sucker, ventral sucker, and gynaecophoric canal. Further, our specimens were morphologically identical to previously published descriptions of D. pulverulenta. Sequences of the 28S from our specimens were nearly identical to those identified as D. pulverulenta from North America (New Mexico), and our 28S phylogenetic analysis recovered D. pulverulenta within a polytomy of other Gigantobilharziinae spp. The CO1 phylogenetic analysis recovered a monophyletic Dendritobilharzia and, with low taxon sampling, a monophyletic Gigantobilharzia. This is the first record of a species of Dendritobilharzia infecting these ducks as well as the first record of an adult Dendritobilharzia from sub-Saharan Africa. The original description of adult D. pulverulenta (type locality: northern Sudan) was based on 2 males only, and hence the present study is the first description of female D. pulverulenta from Africa (the continent of the type locality). We reassign 2 Gigantobilharziinae spp. based on morphology and nucleotide evidence: Gigantobilharzia ensenadense (Lorenti, Brant, Gilardoni, Diaz, and Cremonte, 2022) Dutton and Bullard, n. comb., and Gigantobilharzia patagonense (Lorenti, Brant, Gilardoni, Diaz, and Cremonte, 2022) Dutton and Bullard, n. comb. We also comment on several avian schistosome sequences whose identities need confirmation or that likely have been misidentified.

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