During a survey for Sarcocystis infections in Pennsylvania in wild canids, muscles from the tongue and limb were examined microscopically for sarcocysts. Between 9 February 2024 and 11 February 2024, muscle samples were collected from 76 coyotes, 46 gray foxes, and 21 red foxes from Pennsylvania hunter harvested animals. Around 5 g of muscle was examined microscopically by compression between a glass slide and coverslip. Trichinella murrelli larvae were detected in 1 of 76 coyotes (Canis latrans), 1 of 46 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and in 7 of 21 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) muscles. Diet and individual host susceptibility probably contributed to the differences in prevalence of T. murrelli in these hosts. This is the first report of Trichinella infection in coyotes from Pennsylvania. The reasons for differences in Trichinella species could be due to inherent susceptibility or the area sampled.

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