Mermithid nematodes, Strelkovimermis amphidis n. sp., emerged from chironomid imagos from Lake Itasca in Minnesota in the fall of 1996, 1997 and from Long Lake in the fall of 1998. The species is distinguished from the other 11 members of the genus by the long cephalic papillae, absence of an excretory pore, pointed termini in both sexes, large amphids, body diameter decrease at the vulva, long vagina, and the absence of lateral genital papillae. Strelkovimermis amphidis n. sp. is the fifth member of this genus recorded from Lake Itasca. The presence of and nature of the bursal sleeve is suggested as a useful distinguishing characteristic. The ratios involving spicule axis length, diameter of the body at the genital pore, and the length of the tail are also discussed in distinguishing species of Strelkovimermis. An expanded key to the species of Strelkovimermis is included.