Diagnostic Pathology of Parasitic Infections with Clinical Correlations, 2nd ed., by Yezid Gutierrez, Oxford University Press, Inc., Oxford, New York. 2000. 769 p. Hard-back, ISBN 0-19-512143.
This book is the second edition of Diagnostic Pathology of Parasitic Infections with Clinical Correlations. According to the author's preface, the entire text has been rewritten incorporating new information regarding important molecular and immunologic aspects of parasitic diseases in humans. In addition, because of the recent increase in knowledge of the microspora, a new chapter has been added. The second edition has the same approach as the first, the purpose being to educate the reader in pathologic processes of parasitic infection in man and the diagnostic characteristics of parasites in tissue sections. The author states that the intent of this book is for it to serve as a tool for parasite identification in tissue sections. In my opinion, the author has done a very...