In the article entitled “The classic paper of Tobie, Von Brand and Mehlman (1950) revisited” (87: 718–780), the authors stated, “…a fully defined culture medium has not been developed for any of the African trypanosomes.” In making this statement, the authors were thinking solely about the stages of the African trypanosomes found in the mammalian host. However, as was pointed out to us, the actual statement is in fact incorrect. The procyclic vector stage has been grown in a completely defined medium and the references (Cross, G. A. M., and J. C. Manning. 1973. Cultivation of Trypanosoma brucei sspp. in semi-defined and defined media. Journal of Parasitology 67: 315–331; Cross, G. A. M., R. A. Klein, and D. J. Linstead. 1975. Utilisation of amino acids by Trypanosoma brucei in culture: L-threonine as a precursor of acetate. Journal of Parasitology 71: 311–326) should have been included in this paper....

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