Worms and Human Disease, 2nd Edition, by Ralph Muller, with contributions and a chapter on immunology of helminths by Derek Wakelin. CAB International, New York, New York 10016. 2002. 300 p. Hardcover, US$60.00, ISBN 0-85199-516-0.

This is a textbook on helminths infecting humans. It is intended primarily for use by advanced parasitology students, students of tropical public health, clinical laboratory personnel, and physicians interested in tropical medicine. It emphasizes helminth life cycles and their geographical distribution, pathology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, epidemiology, and control. In my opinion, except as a supplementary reference source, it is not a text for students interested in general parasitology or for an undergraduate course in parasitology. It is very well written and easy to read but requires prior knowledge of both medical terminology and parasitology to be fully appreciated. It is very up-to-date, and each chapter includes an extensive reference list of relevant scientific articles, reviews,...

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