Ladies and gentlemen, fellow members of the American Society of Parasitologists (ASP), friends, and honored guests. Welcome to the ASP Presidential Address. It is my privilege to introduce our Society's president, Dr. Robin M. Overstreet.

Before coming to Halifax, I wanted to make sure that I had my facts straight, so I looked up the definition of “parasitologist” in the dictionary, and this is what I found, a photograph of Robin Overstreet. Bob is a classic example of a parasitologist; he studies parasites in the very broadest sense and has published on viruses, bacteria, fungi, protistans, and a great diversity of metazoan parasites. If it's parasitic, Bob's interested in it. On the negative side, however, Bob cannot really be called an environmentalist. Every time he prints a copy of his enormous curriculum vitae, another tree is lost from the forest. So, in this short introduction, I'm not sure that I...

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