President Robin M. Overstreet called the meeting to order at 0805 hr.

Motion #1—Acceptance of minutes of the 92nd Council Meeting, 2002 (seconded and approved).

President Overstreet recognized the following:

New Officers for 2003–2004: President Bruce Christensen, President Elect Dennis Minchella, Vice President Tim Yoshino, and Secretary–Treasurer John Janovy.

New Council Members-at-Large for 2003–2006: Ann Adams and Mike Moser.

New Nominating Committee for 2003–2004: Eric Hoberg (Chair), R. Clopton, V. Connors, C. Davis, and J. Starling (C. Faulkner, alternate).

New Student Representative for 2003–2004: Ash Bullard.

President Overstreet then expressed appreciation to:

Outgoing Council Members-at-Large for their services, 2000–2003: John Barta and Gerhardt Schad and 2002–2003 Student Representative Joel Fellis.

Outgoing Nominating Committee: Larry Roberts (Chair), Rebecca Cole, Patricia Conrad, Steve Kayes, and Dianne Ritter (Oscar Pung, alternate).

The president then acknowledged financial contributions to the American Society of Parasitologists (ASP) for the 2003 Annual Meeting (see President's report below...

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