Our Society lost a faithful member of more than 60 yr with the passing of Albert Murray Fallis in his 97th year on 8 July 2003. Dr. Fallis was born on 6 January 1907 in Harriston, Ontario, where he received his elementary school education. Subsequently, he attended teachers' college and taught for 2 yr before enrolling at the University of Toronto, where he received an honors B.A. He was awarded his doctorate in 1933 based on a study of parasites of lambs.

After graduation Murray accepted a fellowship at the Ontario Research Foundation, where he continued his research on various helminth parasites. In 1947, he moved to the School of Hygiene and 1 yr later was appointed Head of the newly formed Department of Parasitology. Under his inspired leadership parasitology flourished at the University. Together with faculty and students, including, among others, John Sprent, Reino Freeman, Douglas Davies, Roy Anderson,...

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