Parasites of the Colder Climates, edited by Hannah Akuffo, Ewert Linder, Inger Ljungström, and Matts Wahlgren. Taylor and Francis, London, U.K. 2003. ISBN 0-415-27584-9.

This book focuses on protozoan, helminth, and arthropod parasites of humans in temperate and subpolar regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The authors include 4 editors and 43 other contributors from Scandinavia, the Baltics, Russia, Iceland, and Canada. The majority are from clinical departments at hospitals, medical schools, and institutes. Much of the information presented comes from public health records and case histories collected since World War II.

The book is organized into 6 parts with 35 short chapters. Part 1 (Introduction) contains a tabular list of the parasites of man from the region, each with a pertinent published reference up to 1998. This is an atypical, but very effective, way of introducing the contents of the book while pointing to recent published reviews of each parasite....

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