Experimental infections of Galba truncatula with 4 isolates of Fasciola hepatica miracidia differing by their mammalian origin (cattle, nutrias, rabbits, or sheep) were carried out to determine if parasite origin had an effect on the number of free rediae, their growth, and their larval productivity in each redia category. The mammalian origin of miracidia had a significant influence on the numbers of free rediae (they were higher in cattle-group snails) and the lengths of rediae (they were lower in rabbit groups). The redia category had also a significant effect on body and pharyngeal measurements. In all groups, the majority of cercariae (55.8–63.2%) were produced by the daughter rediae (R2a rediae) originating from the first mother redia. Compared with the other groups, the mean number of cercariae at day 49 postexposure was twice as high in cattle groups. In contrast, the mean number of daughter rediae produced by each second-appearing mother redia or each R2a redia was higher in the nutria, rabbit, and sheep groups. The mammalian origin of F. hepatica miracidia had an effect on the number of live rediae, their length, and their redial and cercarial productivity.

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