Yeast extract–iron–gluconic acid–dihyrdoxyacetone-serum medium that allows axenic cultivation of Entamoeba dispar was designed based on casein-free yeast extract-iron-serum (YI-S) medium, and the usefulness of the medium was assessed. The main differences from YI-S medium are replacement of glucose by gluconic acid, addition of dihydroxyacetone and d-galacturonic acid monohydrate, and sterilization by filtration. This medium promoted the axenic growth of 5 strains of E. dispar (2 strains of nonhuman primate isolates and 3 strains of human isolates). In addition, to clarify the biological basis for the growth of E. dispar in this medium, analyses of relevant enzymes on the glycolytic pathway of the amoebae as well as of the protozoans that are the best culture supplement for amoebae are being performed.

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