Dr. Hisao Philip Arai passed away on 21 August 2004 in Victoria, Canada, after a brief illness. Hisao Arai was born in Los Angeles, California, on October 8, 1926. As a teenager during World War II, Hisao and his family were detained at the Gila River Relocation Center in Arizona. From 1945 to 1947, he was a member of the United States Army, first as a draftee and then as a volunteer, serving as a Medical Technician in the Ninth Infantry. Upon his discharge, Hisao completed his high school education and then enrolled at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the fall of 1948, where he received an A.B. from the Department of Bacteriology in 1953. He was attracted to postgraduate studies on parasites by C. P. Read in the Department of Zoology at UCLA. After Read left, Hisao completed his Ph.D. dissertation in 1960 on “Taxonomy, Host–Parasite...

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