Helminths of mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula fulvorufula) and gray rhebok (Pelea capreolus) were investigated in South Africa between June 1999 and February 2002. Forty-one mountain reedbuck were culled at Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve over 8 different periods, and 25 mountain reedbuck were culled at Tussen die Riviere Nature Reserve over 3 different periods. A total of 17 kinds of helminths were found at the 2 sites, including 15 nematodes, 1 trematode, and 1 cestode. At Sterkfontein, the most prevalent and abundant species were Cooperia yoshidai, Longistrongylus schrenki, and Haemonchus contortus, with the latter 2 being more abundant during November/December than at other times of the year, probably because infective larvae increased on pasture at that time. No statistical differences were found in parasite loads between male and female mountain reedbuck. No correlation was found between fecal egg counts and adult worm counts or between parasite counts and body condition. At Tussen die Riviere, helminths in mountain reedbuck were less prevalent and abundant than at Sterkfontein. The most important species were Nematodirus spathiger, Trichostrongylus falculatus, and Cooperia rotundispiculum. Four gray rhebok died of natural causes at Sterkfontein, from which 5 kinds of helminths were recovered, including C. yoshidai and Paracooperioides peleae.

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