The business meeting was called to order by President Tim Yoshino on Wednesday, 9 August 2006, in the Clyde Auditorium, at approximately 1410 hr. He thanked the audience for attending, announced the incoming officers for 2007, thanked all the outgoing officers for their service, thanked the corporate sponsors, Farnam Companies, Inc., and Pfizer Animal Health, Inc., and called on the officers to present their reports.

Motion 1. Under “New Business,” a motion to accept new members as presented to Council on 6 August 2006 was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.

John Janovy, Jr., presented the secretary-treasurer's report, including membership, subscription data, and cash flow data and indicated that the Society was solvent but that memberships were an ongoing concern. He also mentioned Council action that would allow student members to continue a 3 yr subscription at the regular student rate after receipt of the terminal degree. Finally he thanked Beth...

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