Tropical Infectious Diseases: Principles, Pathogens & Practice, Second edition, 2006. Edited by R. Guerrant, D. Walker and P. Weller. Published by Churchhill Livingstone, Elsevier, Inc., 1936 pages (2 volumes). ISBN-13: 9780443066689, $329.00 hardcover.
The chapters in this book are written by a number of excellent authors, and are edited by 3 outstanding scientists. The first volume contains some 15 different chapters, that discuss the principles of tropical infectious diseases. The first chapter deals with the principles of parasitism: host-parasite interactions and the last chapter concerns the principles of surveillance for emerging infectious diseases and for bioterrorism threats. In between these 2 chapters, are included epidemiology and biostatistical tools; vector biology; animal and plant toxins; immunology; chemotherapy, etc. Each chapter is well written and contains a wealth of information for the interested reader. My 2 favorite chapters in this initial section are: “Social & cultural factors in tropical medicine: reframing our...