Atlas of Human Malaria, by Giovanni Swierczynski and Mario Gobbo. Az Color s.r.l., Sirmione (BS), Italy. 203 p. ISBN 978-88-902892-0-0.
As has been stated by the World Health Organization in many of their press releases, in excess of 1 million people die from malaria on an annual basis. Most of these deaths are from falciparum malaria in children living in sub-Saharan Africa. Between 300 and 500 million cases of the dread disease occur each year, producing vast morbidity in the process. As noted by Lawrence R. Ash and Thomas C. Orihel in their Foreword for the book, the “gold standard” for malaria diagnosis is still the identification of the parasites on blood films placed on glass slides.
The new Atlas of Human Malaria, written and prepared by Giovanni Swierczvnski and Mario Gobbo, possesses in excess of 450 of some of the best photomicrographs I have seen representing the four...