The Tropical World of Samuel Taylor Darling, by E. Chaves-Carballo. Sussex Academic Press, Portland, Oregon. 2007. 260 p. Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-845-19183-2.

Samuel Taylor Darling, MD, achieved eminence in parasitology, pathology, and public health and was abundantly endowed with the personal qualities that elevate an expert into positions of leadership. Today, more than 80 years after he rose to prominence in our field of scholarship, he is little remembered. In this new biography, Chaves-Carballo provides a wide vista of Darling's work and a glimpse of his nonworking life. Perhaps there was not much room, in man or book, for anything but work.

Darling was a man of vast medical learning and much practical experience. Before his untimely death in a car accident, he spent about a decade in Panama, working for the Isthmanian Canal Commission, and about a decade working for the Rockefeller Foundation in what is now known as Malaysia...

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