President Steven A. Nadler called the meeting to order at 0805, declared a quorum, and made a few opening remarks; attendees then introduced themselves. President Nadler called for a motion to accept the published minutes of the 2007 meeting.
Motion 1. Acceptance of the minutes of the 97th Council meeting, 2007.
Motion was made by Gerald Esch, seconded by Janine N. Caira, and passed unanimously.
President Nadler then expressed appreciation for service by outgoing officers and Council members, for financial contributions to the meeting, recognizing the following for their election and service:
President Nadler thanked the following companies, organizations, and individuals for contributions to the annual meeting: Alliance Audio Visual Ltd., Arlington, Texas (especially Sam Mertes); Hilton Arlington staff, Arlington Convention and Visitors Bureau, Texas Rangers Baseball Club, and Vetech Laboratories, Inc., Ontario, Canada.
President Nadler then called for the second motion:
Motion 2: Approval of new members added since...