Pristicola bruchi n. sp. (Trematoda: Deropristiidae) is described from the spiral-valved intestine of the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, from the Wolf River in Wisconsin, United States. It differs from the only other species of the genus, Pristicola sturionis, a parasite of the European Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio, in being smaller and in possessing the following characters: a single row of conspicuous peg-like oral spines instead of 2 rows; vitelline follicles that are dorsally confluent over only a small region and that barely overlap the testes instead of extending beyond the posterior testes; and a shorter hermaphroditic duct. Comparisons are hindered by the fact that the type material of P. sturionis is no longer available. This is the first report of the genus in North America and is, apparently, the first time the genus has been reported in sturgeon anywhere since the description of P. sturionis in 1930. The presence of a species of Pristicola in North America means that all 3 genera of deropristiids, Deropristis, Pristicola, and Skrjabinopsolus, now have 2 described species, 1 in North America and another in Europe, reinforcing the amphi-Atlantic biogeography of the family. This, in turn, supports the contention that the deropristiids had diversified into the 3 generic lineages before the establishment of the North Atlantic, and that the present day distribution was likely effected by historical vicariance processes. The association of species of Pristicola and Skrjabinopsolus with the exclusively freshwater lake sturgeon in the interior of the continent also indicates their considerable geological age.