Plagioporus kolipinskii n. sp. (Trematoda: Opecoelidae) is described from the intestine of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., from Lobos Creek, a freshwater stream in Presidio, San Francisco County, California. Plagioporus kolipinskii is morphologically somewhat similar to 4 (P. serotinus Stafford, 1904, P. angusticollis Hausmann, 1896, P. macrouterinus Haderlie, 1953, and P. shawi [McIntosh, 1939]) of the 12 currently recognized North American species of the genus, but can be readily distinguished from all 4 in possessing a much larger acetabulum and a larger ovary relative to the testes. In addition, the new species can be distinguished from P. angusticollis by a smaller cirrus sac; from P. macrouterinus by the elongated shape of its body and reduced extent of its uterus (the uterus of P. macrouterinus extends posteriorly to the intersection of the testes); from P. shawi by a much-shorter cirrus sac (which reaches the ovary in P. shawi), an unlobed ovary (as opposed to a quadrilobed ovary in P. shawi), and fewer eggs that are also larger relative to body size.