The book contains 11 chapters that describe a wide variety of aspects related to the systematics and life cycles of Coccidia, e.g., Eimeria, Sarcocystis, Cryptosporidium, and Toxoplasma, and techniques for specimen storage, collection, and identification. It then provides thorough reviews on specific coccidian parasite groups in various snake families, followed by strategies for snake disease management and therapies. The chapters are initiated by introductions and followed by the summary and conclusions, literature cited, a glossary, and an index. The book represents an excellent example of a cogently written document that is easy to read, logically and comprehensively composed, and collectively provides a valuable asset not only to experts, but also to a lay audience who wants to learn about the subject. Inclusion of a thorough index tremendously aids navigation through the 422-page text. The font size, page style, and size, as well as the text formatting,...

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