President George Cain called the meeting to order at 8:05AM, noted that a quorum was present, and made a few opening remarks. President Cain called for a motion to accept the published minutes of the 2009 meeting.

Motion 1. Acceptance of the minutes of the 99th Council meeting, 2009.

The motion was made by George Cain, seconded, and passed unanimously.

President Cain then recognized the new officers for 2010–2011: President, Janine Caira; President-Elect, Armand Kuris; Vice-President, Eric S. Loker; Council Members-at-Large, John Hawdon and Kym Jacobson (2010–2014); Nominating Committee, Reginald Blaylock (chair), Derek Zelmer, Florian Reyda, Ben Hanelt, Gregory Sandland, and Benjamin Rosenthal (alternate); Student Representative, Joanna Cielocha (2010–2011). He then expressed appreciation to outgoing Council Members-at-Large Don Duszynski and Judy Sakanari, outgoing Student Representative Maria Pickering, and outgoing Nominating Committee members Matthew Bolek (chair), Claire Healy, Ash Bullard, Charles Criscione, Julian Hillyer, and Isaure de Buron (alternate).

President Cain...

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