President Armand Kuris called the meeting to order at 0810 hr and noted that a quorum was present. Council members and other attendees introduced themselves and President Kuris made a few opening remarks. He then recognized the new officers for 2012–2013: President, Sam Loker; President-Elect, John Janovy Jr.; Vice-President, David Lindsay; Council Members-at-Large, Tamara Cook and Julián Hillyer (2012–2016); Nominating Committee, Susan Perkins (Chair), Matt Bolek, Cynthia Church, Ben Hanelt, Jeffrey Laursen, and Vasyl Tkach (alternate); Student Representative, Lauren Camp (2012–2013); and incoming Editor of The Journal of Parasitology, Michael V. K. Sukhdeo. President Kuris expressed his deepest appreciation to outgoing longtime Editor of The Journal of Parasitology, Gerald W. Esch, as well as outgoing Council Members-at-Large Mike Barger and Kirsten Jensen, outgoing Student Representative Kyle Luth, and outgoing Nominating Committee Sara Brant (Chair), Ann Adams, Joseph Camp Jr., Claire Healy, R. Scott Seville, and Julián Hillyer (alternate)....

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