Primisanguis caribbeanensis n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) infects the stoplight parrotfish, Sparisoma viride (Bonnaterre, 1788), (Labridae: Scarinae) in the Caribbean Sea off La Parguera (17°58′26″N, 67°02′47″W), Puerto Rico. It is most easily distinguished from other nominal aporocotylids by the combination of having an adult body that is approximately 5–10 times longer than wide, a sinistral posterolateral body protuberance, tegumental body spines that are straight (lacking recurved tip) and wrap dorsoventrally around the body margin, posterior ceca that are 2–5 times the anterior ceca length, a single testis that extends lateral to both the ceca and nerve cords, an ovary abutting the posterior margin of the testis, a symmetrical vitellarium and medial primary vitelline duct, a post-cecal and post-gonadal ootype, and a proximal uterus that is extensively convoluted posterior to the ootype and which functions as a uterine seminal receptacle. The new genus lacks a spinous anterior sucker, pharynx, auxiliary external seminal vesicle, cirrus stylet, oviducal seminal receptacle, and Laurer's canal. The new species is morphologically most similar to the other aporocotylids that have a posterolateral body protuberance, including species of Psettarium Goto and Ozaki, 1930, Aporocotyle Odhner, 1900, Ankistromeces Nolan and Cribb, 2004, Phthinomita Nolan and Cribb, 2006, and Littorellicola Bullard, 2010, but it can be differentiated from them, at the least, by lack of a spinous anterior sucker in the adult and by the combination of having dorsoventral rows of tegumental spines, a testis dorsal to the posterior ceca, and a uterine seminal receptacle posterior to the ootype. The new species is the first aporocotylid reported from the Caribbean Sea or from a parrotfish of Sparisoma.