Author Information
The Journal of Parasitology is the official journal of the American Society of Parasitologists (ASP). The society is not-for-profit and dues of the membership support the cost of publication. Manuscripts in English are accepted from investigators in any country regardless of whether they are members of ASP. The journal publishes official business of ASP and results of new, original research dealing with helminths, protozoa, and other parasitic organisms. All manuscripts will be submitted for peer-review to the Editor, who will assign it to a selected member of the Editorial Review Board.
Membership in the ASP is not a prerequisite for submission.
Policies and Instructions to Authors
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Publications Charges
The Journal of Parasitology is published by the American Society of Parasitologists, a non-profit organization. The society relies on publication charges to offset the cost of publishing the journal.
- Page charges – There are no page charges when the corresponding author is a member of the American Society of Parasitologists at the time of publication; otherwise, $75/page. This change is effective for manuscripts submitted after September 14, 2018.
- Open access – All authors have the option to publish their article open access. Open access fees are $800 for ASP members and $1100 for non-members. Open access articles are published at as well as BioOne. Authors who opt for open access o not pay regular page charges. Open access articles are published under a CC-BY-NC-ND license.
- Color Figures – Color figures that appear in print are charged $500/each. Authors may also choose to publish color figures online only with black and white figures appearing in print. The cost for online only color figures is $75/each.
- Corrections – Authors are allowed to make up to five corrections in their page proofs. If an author makes more than five corrections, they will be charged $5 per correction. This may include changes resulting from a copy editor’s query.
PDF proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, who should send corrections as soon as the PDF is received. All corrections should be returned to the Editorial Associate, Vickie Hennings, at [email protected]. Authors may incur additional costs for changes made during the proofs stage. Consult the journal’s Policies and Instructions for Authors document for details.
NIH Compliance Guidelines
All authors published in The Journal of Parasitology are encouraged to comply with the National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy to ensure that the public has access to NIH-funded research. To determine whether the policy applies to your article, visit the NIH website.
Upon acceptance of an article, the lead author is responsible for submitting the manuscript to PubMed Central using the NIH Manuscript Submission System. During this process, the author will designate the number of months after publication that the article may be released to the public. The Journal of Parasitology allows public release 12 months after publication.
American Journal Experts
American Journal Experts works with thousands of non-native English speaking authors, helping them edit and polish their articles for publication. AJE has subject-expert editors who will check your manuscripts for spelling mistakes, grammar, punctuation, misplaced modifiers, changes in tense, problems in parallelisms, and use of inappropriate language. In addition, they will make sure that your text sounds natural and your sentences are well constructed.
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