President Gregory Vieira called the meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science (TAS) Executive Committee to order at 3:07 PM CST via Zoom® video conferencing. Attendees were President Vieira, President-Elect Clint Ary, Past President Amy Thompson, Treasurer Steve Murphree, Secretary Marcia Schilling, Managing Editor Justin Oelgoetz, Electronic Communications Director Gilbert Pitts, Junior Academy of Science Director Preston MacDougall, Annual Meeting Coordinator J. Allyn Smith, Publicity Chairperson Mandy Carter-Lowe, TSU Local Arrangements Chair Thomas Byl, and Members-at-Large Maryam Farsian and Heather (Dawn) Wilkins, and guest Reginald Archer.

President Vieira called for introductions of Executive Committee members and welcomed Reginald Archer to support Local Arrangements Chair Tom Byl. President Vieira expressed, “Thank you to all of you for your hard work in making the 2021 TAS meeting at Tennessee Tech a success!” Tennessee Tech University hosted the 2022 meeting with Jeffrey Boles serving as Local Arrangements Chair. The Tennessee Academy of Science...

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