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General Instructions for Authors

Manuscripts for publication in the journal should be submitted via the online manuscript submission website (see below). Please do not e-mail your papers to the editor. Manuscripts must be approved by the managing editor, a section editor, and at least two appropriate reviewers before publication. There are no page charges for articles with at least one author that is a TAS member. Articles with no authors that are TAS members will be charged $35/page.

Guidelines for writing a TJAS manuscript can be found here.

A good example of a manuscript can be found here.

Prepare for Manuscript Submission

Before submitting a manuscript to the journal, gather the following information and create the following electronic files:

1. For all authors:

a. First name, middle initial, last name

b. Institution

c. Department

d. Phone and FAX numbers

e. Street address

f. E-mail address

2. Title and Running Title (may be pasted from your manuscript)

3. Abstract (may be pasted from your manuscript)

4. Key words

5. Manuscript files (in Word format)

6. Figures/Images (in TIF, EPS, PDF, or JPG formats)

7. Tables (in Word format)

Register and Submit Your Manuscript

To submit your manuscript, you will need to visit

Follow the registration instructions, being sure to remember your login name and password.

Login and read the page of Author Instructions.

Complete the manuscript submission process.

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