Two of five scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) captured May 1987 in Hawaii (USA) developed granulomatous exudative mycotic dermatitis localized in the lateral line canal system. The lesion initially was noted in the cephalic canals, but over a period of months extended into the lateral canal. Fusarium solani and Vibrio spp. were isolated from the canal exudate of both sharks. Bacterial colonies were not observed in the canal walls or surrounding tissues. Fusarium solani infection resulted in a chronic physical and behavioral deterioration of the two sharks; one shark was euthanized in September 1988 and the other in July 1989. This is the first report of Fusarium solani infection in the lateral line canal system and the third account in hammerhead sharks.
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October 01 1995
Fusarium solani Fungal Infection of the Lateral Line Canal System in Captive Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyma lewini) in Hawaii
Gerald L. Crow;
Gerald L. Crow
1 Waikiki Aquarium, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii, 2777 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii 96815, USA
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James A. Brock;
James A. Brock
2 Aquaculture Development Program, State of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA
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Steve Kaiser
Steve Kaiser
3 Sea Life Park Hawaii, Makapuu Pt., Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795, USA
4 Current address: Atlantis at Paradise Island, P.O. Box N4777, Naussau, Bahamas
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J Wildl Dis (1995) 31 (4): 562–565.
Article history
June 25 1994
Gerald L. Crow, James A. Brock, Steve Kaiser; Fusarium solani Fungal Infection of the Lateral Line Canal System in Captive Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyma lewini) in Hawaii. J Wildl Dis 1 October 1995; 31 (4): 562–565. doi:
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