Dynamics of small mammal populations and the prevalence of antibodies for hantavirus were determined in six locations in central and western Montana (USA). Eighteen live-trapping grids were trapped monthly from June through September 1994. Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) populations ranged from 0 to over 90 on one-hectare grids. Our bleeding technique had no apparent effect on survival of deer mice. Deer mice, meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus), and sagebrush voles (Lagurus curtatus) were seropositive. Thirty-eight (8%) (range, 0% to 30%) of 471 deer mice were seropositive for hantavirus antibodies. Seropositive mice were older and had lower monthly survival rates than seronegative deer mice. We found no relationship between prevalence of hantavirus antibodies and population density.
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July 01 1996
Hantavirus in Montana Deer Mouse Populations: Preliminary Results
Richard J. Douglass;
Richard J. Douglass
1 Department of Biology, Montana Tech, 1300 West Park, Butte, Montana 59701, USA
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Russel Van Horn;
Russel Van Horn
1 Department of Biology, Montana Tech, 1300 West Park, Butte, Montana 59701, USA
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Kenneth W. Coffin;
Kenneth W. Coffin
1 Department of Biology, Montana Tech, 1300 West Park, Butte, Montana 59701, USA
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Susanne N. Zanto
Susanne N. Zanto
2 Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Helena, Montana 59601, USA
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J Wildl Dis (1996) 32 (3): 527–530.
Article history
October 12 1995
Richard J. Douglass, Russel Van Horn, Kenneth W. Coffin, Susanne N. Zanto; Hantavirus in Montana Deer Mouse Populations: Preliminary Results. J Wildl Dis 1 July 1996; 32 (3): 527–530. doi: https://doi.org/10.7589/0090-3558-32.3.527
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