A juvenile woodchuck (Marmota monax) with vestibular signs was found in Woodbridge, Ontario (Canada) and later euthanized. At necropsy there was marked distortion of the right side of the skull, where a large, fluctuant, subcutaneous mass extended under the zygomatic arch and caudally from the right eye towards the right ear. The mass was multiloculated and contained a large number of tapeworm cysticerci, each about 1 to 2 mm in diameter. The third and lateral ventricles of the brain were dilated and contained large numbers of similar cysticerci. Based on the exogenous budding of cysts and the morphology of the scolex in each cyst, they were identified as cysticerci of Taenia crassiceps. This is the first report of cerebral cysticercosis in a woodchuck.

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