Baseline reference ranges of serum chemistry and hematology data can be important indicators for the status of both individuals or populations of wild animals that are affected by emerging pathogens, toxicants, or other causes of disease. Frequently, reference ranges for these values are not available for wildlife species or subspecies. We present hematologic and serum chemistry reference ranges for moose (Alces alces) adults, yearlings, and calves in Norway sampled from 1992–2000. Additionally, we demonstrated that both induction time and chase time were correlated with initial rectal temperature, although they were not significantly correlated with cortisol, aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, or creatine kinase. Overall, the reference ranges given here are similar to those given for American moose, with a few differences that can be attributed to environment, testing methodology, or subspecies or species status. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of reference ranges for moose in Norway.
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July 01 2012
Melinda K. Rostal;
Melinda K. Rostal
1 EcoHealth Alliance, 460 W. 34th St., Floor 17, New York, New York 10001, USA
6 Corresponding author (email: [email protected])
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Alina L. Evans;
Alina L. Evans
2 Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Hedmark University College, Campus Evenstad, NO-2418 Elverum, Norway
3 Section of Arctic Veterinary Medicine, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Stakkevollveien 23B, NO-9292 Tromsø, Norway
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Erling J. Solberg;
Erling J. Solberg
4 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Postboks, 5685 Sluppen, 7485 Trondheim, Norway
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Jon M. Arnemo
Jon M. Arnemo
2 Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Hedmark University College, Campus Evenstad, NO-2418 Elverum, Norway
5 Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden
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J Wildl Dis (2012) 48 (3): 548–559.
Article history
April 26 2011
March 05 2012
Melinda K. Rostal, Alina L. Evans, Erling J. Solberg, Jon M. Arnemo; HEMATOLOGY AND SERUM CHEMISTRY REFERENCE RANGES OF FREE-RANGING MOOSE (ALCES ALCES) IN NORWAY. J Wildl Dis 1 July 2012; 48 (3): 548–559. doi:
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